did you know that hypoglycemia (blood sugar imbalance) is the most ignored major trigger for-and aggravates-the following conditions:
- anxiety
- depression
- panic attacks
- anger bouts
- diabetes
- chronic fatigue
- cholesterol imbalance
- allergies
- addictions...
some basic first steps which could be easily implemented to alleviate these conditions, and causes of:
- follow the BDP (please see under signature)
- cleanse naturally the colon. (colonics, flat tummy drinks, nigari salts...)
- replace salt (sea salt, soy sauce, tamari, rock salt...) with fresh miso, or even better, raw seaweed!
- eat fruits and honey far from all other kinds of meals. (in clear, fruits: eat alone or leave alone!)
if only one of these simple natural remedies is implemented, massive improvements in the pre-existing condition will occur within hours.
of course, all these remedies work wonders in synergy all together....and will increase Health all together exponentially!
have a Healthy day!
naturopath- spa consultant
web-site: http://pascaljalabert999.blogspot.com
Morning (4am until 11am):
Just after waking up, practice some helpful tools, such as:
-The 5 Tibetan rites of rejuvenation, meditation techniques,
fast walking with the mouth closed, etc…
-All along the morning:
If thirsty, drink water.
If hungry, eat fresh fruits.
Lunch (12noon until 8pm):
-begin the meal with a salad of raw vegetables,
and germinated and sprouted seeds.
As a dressing: any FIRST COLD PRESSED oil, fresh lemon/lime juice,
and crunched fresh condiments such as:
-rosemary, basil, sage, thyme, garlic, ginger, galangal, turmeric, nutmeg, etc…
And/or plenty of raw (dried or fresh) sea weeds such as:
nori, wakame, dulse, iziki, spirulina etc....
Followed immediatly by whatever cooked dishes and desserts you like.
One hour before, during, and at least four hours after this meal:
Dinner (before 8pm): -same as lunch.
For snacks in the afternoon:
-eat one apple (or more!!!!!!!!!) before any snack.
(Apple is the ONLY FRUIT that can be combined with everything else!!!)
This program is NOT a regime; it is based on respecting
the basic laws commanding the human body.
For more information about Living food, nutrition, allergies, hypoglycemia, weight and skin problems, constipation, spasmofilia, phobias, migraines, chronic fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, addictions, etc,
please feel free to contact Pascal Jalabert, Psychotherapist and naturopath.
Mobile phone: 087-877-234-213
E-mail: pascaljalabert999@hotmail.com
Web-site: http://pascaljalabert999.blogspot.com