Friday, November 17, 2006


Pascal Jalabert

LIVING FOODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Lina Lotto & Pascal Jalabert
If the measure of health is abundant energy, a youthful appearance and resistance to disease then how many of us could say we are healthy?
Don’t we sometimes feel tired and fatigued, strained and stressed? We look in the mirror and wonder what happened to our youthful countenance as the course of living takes its toll. What if there was a way to enjoy more energy and slow down the ageing process? Well, there is… and it’s so very simple to do.
The way we eat and the foods we choose make a vast difference to our health. But we’re not talking about another newfangled diet. It is an age-old way of eating. And the good news is that it is completely natural, delicious and easily integrated into any lifestyle.
We know the Essenes, the Hounzas, the Brahmanes and other long-lived races, used these principles thousands of years ago. The Essene’s extensive knowledge of agriculture enabled them to cultivate many types of food in often difficult conditions. Their diet consisted of ‘living foods’. Today, these living foods are also referred to as ‘biogenic’ which derives from the Greek word meaning ‘generating life’, first coined by the late Dr Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. He used living foods on thousands of patients suffering from serious illness with remarkable success. His “health ranch” is still active and receives thousands of people each year.
Biogenic classifications
The biogenic way of eating classifies foods into four groups which describe their effect on our body and psyche.
Biogenic – life generating
Bioactive – life sustaining
Biostatic – life slowing
Biocidic – life destroying
Biogenic food is composed of all raw, germinated and sprouted seeds and lacto-fermented vegetables and nuts. They are energetically potent and can synthesize entirely new compounds and substances, required by the body to perform functions such as cell renewal and the elimination of harmful toxic substances such as heavy metals, free radicals and bacteria. The result is improved digestion, more resistance to disease and a lot more energy and awareness. Sometimes our food is irradiated, which renders it dead. You can check that your seeds haven’t been irradiated by allowing them to sprout. Ideally our food intake should comprise at least 25% of biogenic food to increase health.
Bioactive foods include fresh, raw, preferably organic, fruits and vegetables, raw seaweed, spirulina and bee products. These whole, unadulterated foods have all their nutrients, amino acids and enzymes intact, which support life. Natural raw foods are easy to digest and do not create toxicity in the body. They also help maintain the correct acid/alkaline balance, making it impossible for bacteria to proliferate in decomposing food. Our bioactive food intake should be at least 50% for the same result as above.
Biostatic foods include food cooked over 45 celsius, long preserved food, raw and cooked pulses, cereals, nuts and brown sugar. These denatured foods slow down the life process, require more energy to digest and create toxic by-products which the body then has to find more energy to eliminate. If you choose to eat biostatic foods make sure you eat them after living food for a healthier life-style.
Biocidic foods literally kill life. Included are all types of meat and dairy products, peanuts, cooked and raw oil yielding seeds and cereals, canned food, white sugar, salt, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, chocolate, refined oils, all types of flour, food processing additives such as chemicals, colourings and preservatives, irradiated food, genetically modified food. These are the ones to avoid.
Fortunately, by eating predominantly biogenic and bioactive foods and before occasionally indulging in biostatic and bioacidic foods, our system will be in good enough shape to cope. No more than 25% of these foods should be eaten.
If biostatic or biocidic foods are eaten first on an empty stomach our body identifies them as enemies. In defence, white immune cells are deployed to the area, stimulating the immune system which over time affects resistance to disease. Living foods are recognized as friendly and this response does not occur if they are eaten first.
Preparing germinated seeds
Soak in water:
- shelled sunflower for 4 - 24 hours
- unhulled sesame for 6 - 24 hours
- shelled pumpkin for 12 - 24 hours.
Rinse in a colander under running water, drain and eat as you wish, adding these wonderful ingredients if possible to a raw vegetable salad and/or with any kind of dish. Store the rest in the fridge and rinse once a day.
Of course, other seeds may be germinated, however they are a little less straightforward than these three choices.
Preparing fermented nuts
Place 50% raw cashew nuts and 50% any other raw nut (except peanuts) in a blender, cover with water and soak overnight. In the morning blend all ingredients until thick and creamy. Empty into a bowl, cover with a tea towel, put in a warm place and leave to ferment for 24 to 36 hours. The mix will expand once fermented.
Once fermented, transfer to the fridge and eat as you wish, adding such condiments as garlic, ginger, seaweed, green herbs and water for a salad dressing, or adding cinnamon and/or cardamom or vanilla for a treat. The body’s intelligence
One of the remarkable things about eating living foods is that in a short period of time the body becomes more sensitive to its own needs. Its innate intelligence is restored and active. Foods which are detrimental to health are immediately detected. Another benefit is that the hypothalamus which controls appetite does its job properly by letting you know that you have had enough to eat. This makes weight control effortless without the need to count calories or restrict food intake.
Other benefits include a reversal of ageing, immunity from disease and infection is far greater and an abundant amount of energy is available to you. Many health problems may be avoided or eliminated by eating in this way.
For example skin complaints such as pimples can be quickly eliminated with living food based hygiene. Pimples indicate an impaired digestive function with toxic waste not being efficiently eliminated because the large intestine is full of stored putrefied meat and dairy products.
Of course, when you first start with living foods, the elimination process kicks in which means that some symptoms may be aggravated by the detoxifying action. However this is a good sign, showing that the body is strong enough and has sufficient energy to clean up the problem.
Additional tips for conscious eating
Every time we eat our mood is amplified and energetically transmitted so that food prepared or eaten in anger, distress or unhappiness is a potential poison for the body. It is best not to eat until you are emotionally balanced. Eat heartily and chew your food well. Digestion begins in the mouth and it is one of the keys to good health. It is good to give thanks and gratitude for the food you eat. Your body believes what you tell it or ask of it so before eating, request that each cell in your body be completely nourished. In doing this you make the process of eating conscious.
Our body and psyche both have layers of behaviours which are firmly embedded. Making gradual changes ensures that reprogramming is more successful. Anything too drastic for the personal strength of the individual will guarantee discouragement and a quick return to old habits.
So, get your camera, take a snapshot of yourself, start your living foods way to good health and take another snapshot in two months. Note the difference. Bon appetit!
Pascal Jalabert is a psychotherapist and naturopath. He lives and works in Viet-Nam. He regularly holds living food workshops on a group or one to one basis. He may be contacted at
© Lina Lotto & Pascal Jalabert
1291 words


Day spas – how to go about choosing one whether through reputation or word
of mouth, how often one should go, questions one can ask beforehand either
on the phone or on a visit prior to the treatment, how to go about deciding
on treatments, whether for face or body, interacting with the therapist and
how to better enjoy the whole experience. Part of being spa savvy is having
certain goals in mind, whether one is seeking spa treatment for relaxation,
treatment or pampering, and making sure the spa can help meet those goals,
so feedback and interaction are important.

Spa resorts – having a destination in mind, whether beach or mountain, types
of activities to look for like fitness, yoga etc., spa cuisine to consider
if having a cleansing or slimming goal, length of visit."


The spa has a long history and reflects the needs of the times and society
very aptly. In ages gone by, when life was less complicated, people lived by a spring or water source in order to survive. The hermit or holy man lived by the spring because he
needed it for water but it was also a cleansing ritual and that is where the Christian idea of baptism originates. Baptism is a symbolic cleansing of the past and starting afresh. Today, people seek the spa experience to relax, revive and start afresh, though in a more sophisticated manner. One of the first spa sophisticates surely must have been the Romans.

Traces of the Roman empire may still be seen wherever its legions were sent
to conquer and civilise. With them they spread the very civilised concept of
the first spas, where thermal waters formed the basis of health giving
therapy. Early spas were centres, not only to relax and refresh, but here,
people would gather to socialise, bathe, chat and generally have a good
time. Not too far away from today's spas. However, our modern spas are much
more sophisticated with a bewildering range of choice, offering a plethora
of therapies, activities, architectural features, locations and service
levels. There are day spas, hotel spas, boutique spas, resort spas,
destination spas, medical spas, retreat spas, spas in cities, on beaches, in
mountains, even in treetops and they’re to be found all over the planet. So
how do we choose the perfect spa and what do we look for?

How to ensure goals are met

Day Spas
Day spas are generally located in cities or large towns, often in hotels or as stand-alone boutique spas. They are a perfect antidote to a stressful, busy life and offer a magical quick fix, often in an atmosphere designed to calm and soothe. Day spas have a varying range of massage and beauty
treatments, including massage, facial, body scrub and wrap, hand and foot treatments and water treatments. They may also run classes such as Yoga and serve spa meals or have a juice bar where you can drink a healthy pick-me-up.

How to choose a day spa
People usually chose a day spa because it is close to where they live or happen to be staying, if traveling. Good news travel fasts and the best way to choose a day spa is by word of mouth or reputation. Failing that, many hotels now offer spa services and by phoning or visiting and asking a few questions, you should be able to locate a spa that meets your needs. If you are planning to be a regular spa-goer, spas offering membership programs are worth investigating as there are often many built in financial and service related benefits that are offered. At Devarana Spa, our staff make a point in understanding our members needs and preferences and this enables us to offer a tailored service. Members also receive offers and discount reserved especially for them.

Questions to ask (before, during and after)
It pays to telephone and ask what type of treatments are on offer, explain your main goal e.g. relaxation, rejuvenation, slimming, etc and ask staff to recommend an appropriate treatment or package. The way your enquiry is handled is a good indicator of how well trained staff are in general and may be a guide as to the quality of treatment and level of service you can expect to receive. Ask for information on special promotional offers. It is a good way of trying out a spa to see whether it meets your needs. If you’re planning to visit with a friend, ask if there are double treatment rooms you can share. Not all spas have private changing or showering facilities. If privacy is important, ask if they offer these facilities. If you are planning to visit the spa infrequently, ask if there are any retail products that link in with you particular treatment that can be continued at home until your next treatment. This could affect your choice of treatment.
It is important for therapists to know if you have any particular health issues as some of the treatments may not be suitable. If the spa does not ask you about your health and specific conditions make sure you tell them prior to treatment selection e.g. allergies, high blood pressure.

How to decide on a treatment
Most spa users want relaxation and to look their best in the midst of a busy life. If short of time, it helps to know what your biggest priority is. The amount of time you have and your budget are the major influences on choice of treatment. Faced with only an hour free with the goal of looking better and relaxing, a facial would be the treatment of choice. Apart from the aesthetic effects of the products used, good facial massage takes away stress held in the face, making you look younger. With 2.5 hours to spare, a total body makeover and relaxation is possible with treatments such as a body scrub, massage and facial. Professional spa staff should be able to help you select therapies that best meet your needs in terms of your goals, time constraints and budget. Advice given should also consider skin type, sensitivities and health. Spa signature treatments are worth trying because the uniqueness or the delivery of the treatment will be superlative.

Interacting with the therapist
So you’ve chosen you spa, selected your treatment and now you find yourself being escorted to the treatment room with your therapist. You should expect to receive clear instructions on how to prepare for your treatment, what clothes to remove, whether to take off jewelry, how to lie on the massage bed. Your therapist should have your best interests in mind at all times and ensure that you are comfortable throughout your treatment. This means checking with you that the temperature is okay, the pressure applied is appropriate and warning you of any sudden changes or unusual procedures. At Devarana Spa our signature massage requires hot compress towels placed on the spine to help activate the spinal energy. If someone is not expecting this it can be a bit of a surprise, not because the experience is unpleasant but because it is an unexpected change in temperature. Our therapists inform guests of this before placing the towels. As a guest you have every right to have your privacy respected and to be comfortable, so don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything during the treatment, such as more or less pressure are feeling cold. Professional therapists understand that this time is your time and will quietly get on with their jobs, responding only to your questions and not initiating conversation unless it is to care for you. If you want to know more about the treatment by all means ask your therapist.

How to enjoy the experience
Knowing what you want beforehand goes a long way to making sure your spa experience is everything you hope it will be. Once you’ve determined which spa suits you, chosen your treatments, made sure the spa staff understand any health issues, my advice is as follows. Switch off your mobile phone, breathe deeply, switch on your senses by becoming more aware of your body. Don’t think…. that’s what the spa staff are paid to do for you! Speak out if you are not comfortable with anything, allow yourself to be pampered and cared for and give yourself completely to the experience.

How often to go?
As often as possible or as often as time allows. Here’s my ideal, if I had the time. Massage every day, body scrub once a week with one home body scrub in between spa sessions. Deep cleanse facial every two weeks, with pampering facial once a week. Body wrap once a week. With only a couple of hours, choose a local day spa, preferably as close to home or office. You might have a couple of hours every other day in which case you could design a mini spa program that addresses your main needs.

Resort and Destination Spas
At one time I worked for a company that assisted people in selecting and
booking their spa holiday… a bit like a spa travel agent but even more personal. I learned a lot about why more people choose these breaks away than ever before. Having experienced a spa holiday many spa-goers re-book, feeling that they have gained so much more than they would taking a normal holiday.

Differences between day spas
Resort Spas are part of a hotel resort complex that also offer spa services. Treatment menus are similar to those in Day Spas, but may be more tailored to suit local conditions and guests needs, such as treatments for sunburn or windburn, use of fresh, locally picked ingredients or outdoor massage facilities. One of the attractions of resort is location and the option of combining the usual holiday activities with pampering and relaxing spa treatments. Spa treatments can help to quicken the relaxation process and can make a week away feel more like two. Like days spas resort spa facilities may be also linked with Fitness Centre activities. Banyan Tree in Phuket, Thailand is a resort spa.

Destination spas are often located in magnificent natural surroundings and offer a range of activities, bodywork and beauty treatments. Time at a destination spa can help you achieve your health and wellbeing goals, whether it be simply to rest and relax rest or reaching your full human potential. The spa facilities, treatments and activities are wide ranging and you can expect to find everything a resort spa offers and much more. Like resort spas, locations are usually in stunning locations such as mountains, beaches, islands or forests. They are carefully chosen to incorporate natural environmental beauty as it is often important to the success of the program to keep guests on the property. Whether holistic or more conservative in their focus, a host of therapies, activities, holistic practices, and movement therapies will be available, depending on the essence of the spa concept.

Activities and therapies
Depending on location and concept there will be many activities available and you can be as busy or lazy as you want, though if you subscribe to a program offering definite results, be prepared to particpate in most of the program… no slacking. Activities can include, walking, hiking, jogging, water sports, canoeing, rafting, kayaking, team sports such as volleyball, basketball. For those who want to test their mettle I've heard of bungy jumping, trapeze flying and sky-diving! . Movement therapies such as yoga, tai chi, qui gong are par for the course. More unusual offerings are drumming, dance, creative movement, voice therapy, art classes. Other treatemtns may include Reiki, Pranic Healing, Acupuncture, exotic bodywork such as Ayurvedic, Balinese, Lomi Lomi or Kahuna Massage. Remedial work like Alexander Technique and Rolfing are not yet common in Asia but sometimes visiting therapists schedule in working time at spas and health retreats while traveling or lecturing. Programs generally begin with a consultation with a naturopath or medical professional to determine your state of health. At this point recommendations will be made about diet, the therapies most suited to your healt and fitness level and your goals. Other activities will be recommended depending on your needs. All good destination spas offer spa cuisine as nourishing food is considered essential to wellbeing
Special dietary needs such as sugar free, yeast free or low allergy. Good spa cuisine is a powerful assistant in the cleansing process. When I worked at a retreat spa in Australia, Monday would be headache night. The program started on Sunday and guests would begin to detoxify very quickly. Of course, light nourishing food is also a great source of energy and contributes to the wonderfully light, balanced feeling people often experience when they take this type of holiday… and our guests all looked incredibly radiant and transformed at the end of their week.

Length of visit
Pre-set or individually tailored programs from a weekend to 2 or 3 weeks can be booked and a spa holiday can feel just as comfortable on your own or going with company. Some programs are designed for groups and others can be done solo. Many spa programs have a holistic element and address the person as a whole. Programs, therapies and activities contain physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements that assist with the process of integration. Because destination spas attract people who are willing to invest more time in their health and wellbeing, they tend to offer a wider choice. If you have longer, say a weekend, perhaps a visit to a resort spa would be a good choice. With one or two weeks you can look further afield, perhaps to other countries and consider doing a complete spa program.

Here are some tips to help you select the right type of spa. Ask yourself these questions. What do I want to achieve? Is it rest and relaxation, cleansing, weight loss, pampering, spiritual fulfilment, adventure? How much time do I have? What is my budget? Spas have wide ranging pricing. In Bangkok, where I live, I am amazed at how many establishments there are to enjoy massage and beauty treatments from ranging from a few dollars to a few hundred.. Spas cater to many budgets and the most expensive does not necessarily mean the best.

Whether it is adventure, pampering, relaxation, recovery, rejuvenation,
weight loss or spiritual nourishment you are looking for, you can be sure
that there are spas to cater for all of these. Having a goal in mind can
make all the difference in selecting the right spa for your needs.

Movement therapies such as yoga, watsu (a type of water movement.massage
therapy), tai chi, diagnosis

Endtro - a really good spa experience should be transforming
Takes you out of your normal experience - it’s a 24 hour experience
People who drink, smoke have coffee can find it quite hard in the beginning
New life skills and tools.

Lina Lotto.



Healthy appetizer:
In the blender bowl, put some sprouted alfalfa, any condiment (such as ginger, coriander, turmeric, cardamom, basil, etc…) half a glass of water (or any vegetable juice…) a couple of ice cubes, two to five (or more!...) soup spoonful of spirulina powder, blend thoroughly, and enjoy the life force!

Sliming shot:
In the blender bowl, put the same ingredients as above, and an apple(if possible a green one…) cut in quarters, and a handful of dried laver( nori seaweed)
Blend thoroughly and drink twenty minutes before the main meals (lunch and dinner).

Anti-hangover shots(before/during the party):
In the blender bowl, put some sliced celeriac and a green apple, a full glass of water, a couple of ice cubes, fresh ginger root, three to five(or more!...) soup spoonful of spirulina powder, blend thoroughly and then enjoy your party!
And the day after too!...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


How to

Have you ever felt drained/drowned/aggressed/ polluted
by the presence of another human being?
By his aspect/behaviours/attitudes/language/presence?

Do you have difficulties managing some people
and understanding why?
Maybe you have some “difficult” people within your family, or neighbours, or colleagues?!

In this two hours work-shop, we will learn:

how to recognise the Vampires,
how to protect ourselves from them,
how to deal with their invading negativities,
how to liberate ourselves from old habits of manipulation…
and answers to many other questions about people who drain you dry...

-Thursday 31st of August at 2pm

-2,000 bahts per person.

Sala Daeng executive
first floor, apt 2B
soi yommaraj(turn left after ZANOTTI)

booking essential, limited amount of places.
for more information, please contact Pascal Jalabert,
psychotherapist and naturopath:




These groups are created to express and, thus, liberate living difficulties, family and/or couple problems, etc…
To be able to share in small group, in full confidentiality, in complete security (guaranteed by the presence of an experienced psychotherapist) one's experiences, fears, anger, distress, anxieties, is extremely liberating.
("I’m not alone to experience THAT!...")

More, following this emotional release, the progressive acquisition of simple psychotherapeutic tools to deal with daily routine, brings a qualitative change in the relationship within oneself and within the couple, and with Others.

this group will function in a” closed way”, that means that it will be made -after constitution and agreement-only with the same people at every meeting, in order to preserve maximum affective balance and emotional security.
These meetings (three hours or so), are proposed for a 3,000 bahts fee for each meeting.
(For those in financial difficulty, please contact me directly, to avoid that money can be an obstacle to well being)

-Tuesday 5th of august at 2pm.

-3,000 BAHTS per person per meeting.

Sala Daeng Executive
first floor, apt 2B
23/1 soi Yommaraj(turn left just after ZANOTTI)

booking essential, limited amount of places.

for more information, please contact Pascal Jalabert, psychotherapist and naturopath.
mob:09-423-54-21 and

Tuesday, July 18, 2006



Spirulina is the most powerful and natural food money can buy.
it is a microscopic “seaweed” growing into brackish waters.
its spiraled form gave it the name!...

Spirulina was used for ages by many different tribes
(In Chad and still now; in south-America , by the Aztecs...)
and now, the scientific community is re-discovering it!
Recently, the World Health Organization through out an analysis saying that the best source of proteins in the whole world is SPIRULINA!!!!!!!!

this microscopic kind of seaweed is full of:

-amino-acids(high quality proteins under the most digestible form.)
-minerals(especially iron, under the most digestible form)
-vitamins(especially beta-carotene, for sun-tan and nice silky skin!...)
-oligo-elements(such as copper, for the chocolate addicts!...)
-essential fatty-acids (for the hormonal balance)
-many other substances, essential for a healthy life.

Using Spirulina in the regular diet is INcreasing the:

-global health (and get rid of chronic fatigue)
-muscle gain (in every kind of sport practice)
-suppleness (joints problems)
-peace of mind (and help to deal with emotions)
-and many more positive effects!

Using Spirulina in the regular diet is DEcreasing the:

-hormonal imbalance (and the Pre-Menstrual Syndrome...)
-weight gain (without hassle!...)
-allergies, skin problems, constipation
-bulimia, anorexia
-hyper activity (for kids and adults...)
-addictions, deficiencies
-and many more positive effects!

How to take SPIRULINA?

Pour some Spirulina into some water or vegetable juice
(Fresh pressed or bottled), stir a little, and drink!!!!!!
Or use a shaker for a quicker process...

More simple? That’s tough!

In case of weight problems, the best way for maximum effects is to take large amounts (twenty grams or more) of Spirulina fifteen to thirty minutes before every lunch and dinner.

For a regular intake, large amounts (depending of the goals and rapidity sought) are to be taken just before the meal.

This can be done on a regular, or irregular basis, for a long period of time (for better results), or over a short period of time, or just as a booster.
(Exams, big party, holidays, preparation and during a trek, etc...)

The price for this wonderful food, under pills form,
is about 20-25,000 baths per kilo(in shops).

You can have it now, in powder (much easier to take large amounts)
at the amazing price of 5,000 bahts per kilo!
and this one is the best quality available now from Thailand.

For more information, please contact Pascal.

mobile: 09-423-54-21

Wednesday, June 14, 2006











Curriculum vitae.

Pascal Jalabert

Naturopath-Spa consultant

Mobile phone:




-Date of birth: feb.09.1963
-Place of birth: Ales (France)
-Sex: male
-Languages: fluent in English and French
(+Basic Thai)


-1987: Chad (Africa) as a military (six months in two trips)
-1989-90: Chad (Africa) as a military (five months)
-September 2001 to January 2005: stay and work in Bangkok (Thailand)
-January 2005 to December 2005: stay and work in Hampshire (UK)
-December 2005 to june2006: stay and work in Saigon (Viet-Nam)
-June 2006 to December 2006: stay and work in Bangkok (Thailand)
-December 2006 to April 2007: spa manager in Mumbai (India)
-April 2007 to august 2008:
stay and work in Bangkok and Koh Samui (Thailand)
-August 2008 to date: stay and work in Jakarta, Indonesia


august 2008 to date:
private practice in Jakarta, Indonesia.
March 2008 to august 2008:
private practice in Koh Samui Thailand.
-October 2007 to march 2008:
Wellness director in the spa samui resorts in Thailand.
-April 2007 to October 2007:
Private practice in Bangkok Thailand.
-December 2006 to april 2007:
Spa manager in Royal palms, Mumbai, India.
-June 2006 to december 2006:
Work as an independent psychotherapist and naturopath
in private practice, and spa consultant in Bankok(Thailand)
-December 2005 to June 2006:
Work as a General Manager and spa consultant
and psychotherapist and naturopath in Saigon (Viet-Nam)
-January 2005 to December 2005:
Work as an independent psychotherapist and counselor in a private practice, in Dorset and Hampshire (UK), and consultant for various spas.
-July 2002 to January 2005:
Work as an independent psychotherapist and counselor in a private practice, and as a consultant in some various spas and health centers in Bangkok.
-November 2001 to July 2002:
Work as a psychotherapist, counselor-consultant, in Personal Dynamics (Bangkok General Hospital,
soi Soonvijai)for individual sessions, couples, families, groups, for some firms, training and organizing a staff of Thai national psychologists, etc...
Work as an independent psychotherapist and counselor in private practice in France.
Employee at Hermes-leather.
Joined the French army.
(Paratroopers, air force commandos, Marines, Special Forces;
Always in quality of instructor)
Work in the family ranch, to manage horses and riders
(Beginners to confirmed)

PROFESSIONAL COURSES (as a qualified and certified therapist)

*dct C-Tall-Schaller 91 to 96
*Shudeer Roche 92 to 94
*J-M Delacroix (c-p-h-r-a .F.)

*dct C-T-Schaller 92 to 96
*Shudeer Roche 94
*J-L Richter 92-93
*Leon Weber 94-95

-Voice Dialogue:
*dcts Al and Sidra Stone (domaine des Courmettes-F)95
*Robert Stamboliev(idem)95
*french Voice Dialogue association 96-97

-Ericksonian hypnosis:
*Sudheer Roche 94 to 96
*dcts Al and Sidra Stone 95
*dct C-Tal-Schaller 92 to 96

-Family therapies:
*dcts Al and Sidra Stone 95
*dct C-Tal-Schaller 93 to 97
*Voice Dialogue association 95-96
*Sudheer Roche 94 to 96

-Couple therapies:
*dcts Al and Sidra Stone 95
*French Voice Dialogue association 96-97
*Sudheer Roche 94-95
*dct C-Tall Schaller 94 to 96

-Talking groups (men and/or women):
*Guy Corneau (Canada) 97 to 99
*dct C-Tall-Schaller 92 to 97
*Leon Weber 93-94

-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
*dct C-Tall-Schaller 92 to 97
*Sudheer Roche 94 to 96
*dcts Al and Sidra Stone 95

-Emotional and stress management:
*dct C-Tall Schaller 91 to 97
*Sudheer Roche 93 to 95
*J-M Delacroix (c-p-h-r-a-F) 96

-Clearing technique (individual-couple-family):
*dct C-Tall-Schaller 95 to 97
*dcts Al and Sidra Stone 95
*Robert Stamboliev 95

*Leon Weber (Intensives seminars) 91 to 93

-Dreams work:
*Sudheer Roche 93 to 95
*dcts Al and Sidra Stone 95

-Conscious and aware dreaming:
*dct C-Tall-Schaller 93 to 97
*Voice Dialogue association 94 to 97
*Sudheer Roche 94 to 96

-Energetical and Spiritual psychology:
*Leon Weber 94-95

-Domination strategies:
*dct C-Tall-Schaller 93 to 97

-Perverse (and Victims of...):
*dct C-Tall Schaller 93 to 97
*Marie-France Hirigoyen (phd) 96


-Naturopathic remedies:
*Centre de naturopathie appliquee 91-92(Lyon-f)
*dct Christian Tal Schaller 92 to 97(Geneva-Sw)

-Orthomolecular nutrition and psychology:
*Centre de naturopathie appliquee 90 to 92(Lyon-F)
*Nature's plus center 90 to 94(Lyon-F)

-Aromatherapy (physical, energetical, and spiritual uses)
*Centre de naturopathie appliquee 90 to 94(Lyon-F)
*dct Christian Tal Schaller 93 to 97(F-Sw)

*Centre de naturopathie appliquee 90 to 92(Lyon-F)
*dct Christian Tal Schaller 92 to 97(F-Sw)

-Ayur Vedic Medicine:
*Ayur Vedic Medicine Association 92 to 96( Scorbe-F)
*dct Gabriel Cousens 93 to 2000(USA)

-Weight problems ( detox plans and fasting):
*dct Christian Tal Schaller 91 to 97(F-SW-Morocco)
*Various personal experiences 90 to date

-Allergies and skin problems:
*Centre de naturopathie appliquee 90 to 94(Lyon -F)
*dct Christian Tal Schaller 92 to 97(F-Sw)


-Polarity massages:
*Jean-Luc Richter 91-92(groupe de Lucinges-F)

-Californian (and other…) massages:
*Various, 90 to date
*Jean-Louis Abrassard (ecole du Toucher-F) 96-97
*Marie-Claude Vaussenat (association Chemins-F) 99 to 2001

*Sudheer Roche 94 to 97

-Self defense:
*Military experiences 83 to 90(commando courses)
*Voice Dialogue 95 to 97(work with the Inner Warrior)

*Various 90 to date (personal practice)
*Leon Weber 94-95
*Voice Dialogue Association 95-96
*dct C-Tal-Schaller 93 to 97

-Five Tibetans yoga:
*dct C-Tal-Schaller 90
(Personal practice to date)

*dcts Al and Siddra Stone 95
*dct C-T-Schaller 92 to 97
*Sudheer Roche 93 to 95
*Jean-Marie Delacroix 96(centre de psychologie humaniste rhone-alpes)