Wednesday, July 19, 2006


How to

Have you ever felt drained/drowned/aggressed/ polluted
by the presence of another human being?
By his aspect/behaviours/attitudes/language/presence?

Do you have difficulties managing some people
and understanding why?
Maybe you have some “difficult” people within your family, or neighbours, or colleagues?!

In this two hours work-shop, we will learn:

how to recognise the Vampires,
how to protect ourselves from them,
how to deal with their invading negativities,
how to liberate ourselves from old habits of manipulation…
and answers to many other questions about people who drain you dry...

-Thursday 31st of August at 2pm

-2,000 bahts per person.

Sala Daeng executive
first floor, apt 2B
soi yommaraj(turn left after ZANOTTI)

booking essential, limited amount of places.
for more information, please contact Pascal Jalabert,
psychotherapist and naturopath:




These groups are created to express and, thus, liberate living difficulties, family and/or couple problems, etc…
To be able to share in small group, in full confidentiality, in complete security (guaranteed by the presence of an experienced psychotherapist) one's experiences, fears, anger, distress, anxieties, is extremely liberating.
("I’m not alone to experience THAT!...")

More, following this emotional release, the progressive acquisition of simple psychotherapeutic tools to deal with daily routine, brings a qualitative change in the relationship within oneself and within the couple, and with Others.

this group will function in a” closed way”, that means that it will be made -after constitution and agreement-only with the same people at every meeting, in order to preserve maximum affective balance and emotional security.
These meetings (three hours or so), are proposed for a 3,000 bahts fee for each meeting.
(For those in financial difficulty, please contact me directly, to avoid that money can be an obstacle to well being)

-Tuesday 5th of august at 2pm.

-3,000 BAHTS per person per meeting.

Sala Daeng Executive
first floor, apt 2B
23/1 soi Yommaraj(turn left just after ZANOTTI)

booking essential, limited amount of places.

for more information, please contact Pascal Jalabert, psychotherapist and naturopath.
mob:09-423-54-21 and

Tuesday, July 18, 2006



Spirulina is the most powerful and natural food money can buy.
it is a microscopic “seaweed” growing into brackish waters.
its spiraled form gave it the name!...

Spirulina was used for ages by many different tribes
(In Chad and still now; in south-America , by the Aztecs...)
and now, the scientific community is re-discovering it!
Recently, the World Health Organization through out an analysis saying that the best source of proteins in the whole world is SPIRULINA!!!!!!!!

this microscopic kind of seaweed is full of:

-amino-acids(high quality proteins under the most digestible form.)
-minerals(especially iron, under the most digestible form)
-vitamins(especially beta-carotene, for sun-tan and nice silky skin!...)
-oligo-elements(such as copper, for the chocolate addicts!...)
-essential fatty-acids (for the hormonal balance)
-many other substances, essential for a healthy life.

Using Spirulina in the regular diet is INcreasing the:

-global health (and get rid of chronic fatigue)
-muscle gain (in every kind of sport practice)
-suppleness (joints problems)
-peace of mind (and help to deal with emotions)
-and many more positive effects!

Using Spirulina in the regular diet is DEcreasing the:

-hormonal imbalance (and the Pre-Menstrual Syndrome...)
-weight gain (without hassle!...)
-allergies, skin problems, constipation
-bulimia, anorexia
-hyper activity (for kids and adults...)
-addictions, deficiencies
-and many more positive effects!

How to take SPIRULINA?

Pour some Spirulina into some water or vegetable juice
(Fresh pressed or bottled), stir a little, and drink!!!!!!
Or use a shaker for a quicker process...

More simple? That’s tough!

In case of weight problems, the best way for maximum effects is to take large amounts (twenty grams or more) of Spirulina fifteen to thirty minutes before every lunch and dinner.

For a regular intake, large amounts (depending of the goals and rapidity sought) are to be taken just before the meal.

This can be done on a regular, or irregular basis, for a long period of time (for better results), or over a short period of time, or just as a booster.
(Exams, big party, holidays, preparation and during a trek, etc...)

The price for this wonderful food, under pills form,
is about 20-25,000 baths per kilo(in shops).

You can have it now, in powder (much easier to take large amounts)
at the amazing price of 5,000 bahts per kilo!
and this one is the best quality available now from Thailand.

For more information, please contact Pascal.

mobile: 09-423-54-21