Friday, February 01, 2008



Tri-doshas system:

1. Vata
· Characterized by the elements AIR and ETHER.
· Subtle, light, mobile, dry cold, rough…
· It governs all movements and activities of body and mind.
· Responsible for the quality of thinking, breathing and excretion, speech, sensation, touch, hearing, smelling.
· Regulates the psychosomatic functions of the body, and controls fear anxiety, grief, enthusiasm, inspiration, courage, natural urges, circulation of the blood, and is responsible for sexual vigor.
· Dominating Vata people (Vatika) are agile, quick, and swift in taking action, anger, fear, irritation…
· Vatika people have prominent blood vessels.

Vata related disorders:

· Respiratory and blood related disorders.
· Arthritis.
· Obesity.
· Stomach problems.
· Insomnia.
· Mental disorders.

Factors increasing Vata:

*excessive physical exercise.
*late nights.
*rainy season.
*old age.
*the evening and the last part of the night.
*old food.
*too much sex.
*suppression of natural urges.
*regret and guilt.

· How to cure Vata :

1. Sweet, sour, hot foods.
2. Enemas.
3. Massages.
4. Rest, relaxation, sleep.
5. Peaceful atmosphere.
6. Cheerful mental state.

2. Pitta

· Characterized by the FIRE element.
· Sharp, sour, pungent, fleshy smell.
· Responsible for vision, hunger, thirst, digestion, heat in the body, softness, cheerfulness, intellect, sexual vigor…
· Pitta makes us look shiny, brilliant, radiant…
· (The power of digestion is called AGNI, which means FIRE…)

Pitta related disorders:

· Intolerance to heat.
· Hot face.
· Delicate organs.
· Pimples.
· Excessive thirst and hunger.
· Gray hair.
· Mouth and body odor.
· Intolerance, lack of endurance.
· Excessive perspiration.
· Dark yellow urine.
· Rashes.
· Herpes
· Jaundice.
· Feeling of dissatisfaction, loss of contentment, anger.

Factors increasing Pitta:

*sharp, alkaline, salty, burning foods.
*oily and heavy food.
*noontime, midnight, autumn.
*process of digestion (agni.)
*youth, anger.

· How to cure Pitta:

1. Sweet, bitter, astringent, cold food.
2. Fresh vegetable and fruits.
3. Cold water (in and over the body).
4. Unction and purgation.
5. Fasting.
6. Cold baths, massages.
7. Counseling.

3. Kapha

· Characterized by the elements EARTH and WATER.
· Solid, dull, sweet, rigid, cold and heavy.
· It governs unctuousness, binding, firmness, heaviness, sexual potency, restraint, the absence of greed, stability…

Kapha related disorders:

· Sloppiness.
· Drowsiness.
· Excessive sleep.
· Sweet taste in the mouth.
· Nausea.
· Itchy feelings in the throat.
· Excessive salivation.
· Heaviness in the body.
· Mental and physical weariness.
· Lassitude, inertness.
· Depression.

Factors increasing Kapha:
*salty, alkaline, oily, fatty, heavy foods.
*sedentary lifestyle.
*lack of exercise.
*Spring season.
*morning time.
*First part of the night.

How to cure Kapha:

1. Pungent, bitter, astringent, sharp, hot and rough foods.
2. Wet heat.
3. Vomiting.
4. Exercise.
5. Keeping awake.

All these doshas are inter-related and inter-connected.

For example, blood circulation is a Vata function, blood is produced by Kapha, and it distributes the nutrients supplied by Pitta to the whole body.

We see through this example that the so-called and self-proclaimed “diet experts” launching a new “fashion regime” are unbalancing scores of people, victims only of a lack of good information…

The Ayur Vedic Medicine is five thousands years old.

With this vast amount of experience, we can learn how to balance ourselves, especially with the help of specific condiments and spices, alongside of various yogas and attitudes.

For example, nutmeg is highly recommended at dinner in case of insomnia, fresh grated ginger in case of slow stomach digestion, germinated fenugreek is excellent to help support weak nerves, etc…

Some condiments are well known to balance all the doshas:
· Lesser cardamom pods. (The small green one.)
· Coriander. (fresh or dried)
· Turmeric.

All of the above condiments should be added-dried and/or fresh-as often as possible, to any diet, even prior to a consultation of an ayurvedic doctor.

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